Do you still have questions? Of course you do!
Scroll down to see if we perhaps have a short and sweet reply to your burning questions!
FAQs for Parents
My child is on the autism spectrum. Should they join?
Moov to Move lessons take part in a group setting, and so this may present either a benefit for your child in terms of social skills, or it may be overwhelming. In cases of autism we will first introduce your child to the group and see whether or not everybody feels at ease. Based on this assessment we will make a recommendation.
Do I have to buy a lot of equipment?
Each Moov to Move lesson uses apparatus that are provided by the instructor on the day. If you would like to purchase some of this equipment for your child to use at home, the instructor will facilitate this.
What happens when we miss a class?
While we certainly advise that children should attend regularly for the best benefits, each class is self-contained and your child will not have to "catch up" to continue. Where possible we will try to work in the lesson content in the next class.
Is there any homework?
With Moov to Move, children learn while doing or playing. So while there is no real "homework" to do, don't be surprised if you see your child continuing with a fun activity well after the lesson!
FAQs for Franchisees
What will I pay for the franchise?
The exact cost of the franchise is location dependent (as not all markets are the same), and so we discuss specifics only once we ar clear on the above. That said, you will pay a once off fee (which releases all the lessons and marketing materials), and then reasonable monthly franchise fees and royalties. Franchises do not pay franchise fees or royalties in Dec and Jan!
Would I be the only franchise in my area?
Because Moov to Move requires individualised attention, there is a limit to the number of children that each franchise can serve. In smaller towns, yours will likely be the only franchise in town. In cities, there will likely be other franchises in your area, but not in your suburb.
Could I have more than one franchise?
Moov to Move will always try to balance the interests of the community (having access to classes) with the interests of franchisees (having access to the opportunity). So while we will not dissuade anyone from acquiring a second franchise, we will first weigh up these considerations, as well as the track record of the first franchise.
Do I have to be a qualified teacher? (or biokineticist, occupational therapist etc.)
No. Moov to Move provides complete lessons with activities, and the training to present them. That said, you will be working with children, and so you do have to like working with children, and be able to assist them physically. Of course, qualified persons are welcome aboard!